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One Mental State that will Accelerate Your Learning & Healing with Dacher Keltner

How can you cultivate more awe into your daily life?

On the spectrum of emotion, awe is probably one of the most elusive and misunderstood. It’s easy to feel awe when you encounter the wonders of nature, a piece of powerful music or art, or have a deeply spiritual experience. But is it possible to create and embrace a sense of awe in your everyday life?

I’m excited to welcome Dacher Keltner to the show today. Dacher is a professor of psychology at UC Berkeley, the founder and faculty director of the Greater Good Science Center, and a renowned expert on the science of human emotion.  He’s here to talk about his latest book, Awe: The New Science of Everyday Wonder and How It Can Transform Your Life.

When you’re in a state of awe, your entire body opens up. It activates your parasympathetic system, reduces stress and inflammation, and provides incredible perspective that can improve your mental state. Listen in as Dacher talks about how important it is to embrace the wondrous feeling of awe and why you should find time for it every day.

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