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Bring Out Your Radical Confidence with Lisa Bilyeu

Lisa Bilyeu co-founded Quest Nutrition, which grew 57,000 percent in its first three years. She is also the co-founder and president of Impact Theory Studios, a revolutionary, digital-first studio, that produces wildly entertaining, original content focusing on themes of empowerment. Throughout her career, Lisa has created a slate of content that has been viewed over half a billion times and by overseeing all in-house content development at Impact Theory, she, along with her husband, have built a global audience of over 7.5 million. As host of her digital series “Women of Impact”, Lisa spends her days having real, uncensored conversations with the most inspiring women. She lives in Los Angeles with her husband, Tom, and their two furbabies, and frikin’ loves her life.

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How do you unleash radical confidence?

Confidence is a subject that comes up a lot in our community and there’s a misconception that it means you no longer have doubt, fear, or insecurities. But building self-assurance doesn’t mean you get rid of those feelings. Instead, it’s a series of steps you take to overcome these internal struggles.

To talk more on this subject, I’m delighted to have Lisa Bilyeu on our show today. Lisa is cofounder of Quest Nutrition, cofounder and President of Impact Theory, and host of the Women of Impact show. She’s also the author of the brand-new book, Radical Confidence: 10 No-BS Lessons on Becoming the Hero of Your Own Life, where she shares exactly how radical and life-changing self-empowerment can be.

Confidence isn’t an all-or-nothing experience. You don’t have to be perfect. You can be afraid. You can fail. But you can’t let that stop you. Listen in, as Lisa walks you through the gut-check questions you can ask yourself in every situation that will unleash your radical confidence.

***If you’re inspired, I want to invite you to join me in my brand NEW 7-day course, specifically designed to boost your confidence. I know it sounds too good to be true, but I give you step-by-step guides using the accelerated learning model to make you unstoppable in a short time. Visit kwikconfidence.com to join me today.***

"I am the hero of my own life and the same is possible for anyone who’s willing to take that first step."

Lisa Bilyeu

Subscribe To My Podcast:
  • Radical confidence starts with being radically honest with yourself. Remember: You get to choose whether you believe in yourself or not. [2:25]
  • Failure provides some of the most powerful lessons but facing your fear can be crippling. Here’s how Lisa faces hers. [5:02]
  • Ask yourself this question to find out if you’re letting fear hold you back. [7:05]
  • Listen to how having a gameplan helped Lisa have the confidence now not only give her first TED talkbut move forward when she made a mistake. [9:32]
  • It’s entirely possible to go after your dreams, but you have to be willing to take the first step. [12:58]
  • Whatever decision you make in your life, make it with honesty and clarity. [13:49]
  • Screenshot this episode, and tag us (@jimkwik & @lisabilyeu) and tell us what you’re looking to get radical confidence in?
  • Lisa’s book, Radical Confidence: 10 No-BS Lessons on Becoming the Hero of Your Own Life, comes out May 10.
  • When you pre-order on her website, here, you get access to Lisa’s 9-part coaching sessions on confidence, relationships, and so much more.
  • To get even more radical confidence, join Lisa on May 14, for a FREE RADICAL CONFIDENCE 1-DAY LIVE EVENT. For more information, visit the www.radicalconfidence.com and register today.

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