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Master Your Mind…And Anything Else! (50th Episode!)

In our 50th episode, we discuss the 6 Cs to mastery and the MASTER list of reasons why you should join a mastermind.

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We’re at our 50th episode! Congratulations on making it to lesson 50, and thank you for joining us on our Kwik Brain journey.

In the spirit of our 50th episode, I want to talk about mastery. Mastery is the possession of great skill and technique that allows you to do, use, and understand something extremely well.

What did you learn this past year? Where would you be right now if you had mastered 1 – 5 new subjects? And what would you like to master in the coming year? While there is no magic mastery pill, there is a magic mastery process.We all have the potential to be a master.

I believe that there is always another level, but I also believe that there is a level of expertise.

As a Kwik Brain student, I know that you are on this path to mastery. You show up for success, for service, and for self-growth. If you are new, I recommend that you start at the beginning to take full advantage of our learning academy.

6 Cs to Master Anything You Choose

Each of these Cs is correlated to the 6 main questions because questions are the answer


  1. This answers the question: what?
  2. If you want to master something, you need to start with clarity because clarity is powerful.
  3. If a genie could grant you one wish, what would it be? What is your goal? How will you know specifically when you’ve achieved it? What are the smaller goals along the way?
  4. You can’t hit a target you can’t see.
  5. Make sure your goal is clear and measurable. If it’s not measurable, you can’t manage it. You can’t magnify it. And you can’t master it.
  6. Let’s say you want to be a master at speed-reading. The average person reads 200 words per minute at 60% concentration. Your goal could be to read 800 words per minute at 80% comprehension.
  7. For more on goal-setting and goal-getting, listen to our episodes with Dr. Jeff Spencer herehere, and here.


  1. This answers the question: how?
  2. Mastery requires you to develop behaviors, skills, habits, and competencies.
  3. If you want to master speed-reading, you might take our online speed-reading course.
  4. If you want to master salsa, how do you get training? What classes do you take?
  5. Developing capabilities is all about routines.
  6. For more on routines, listen to our episodes with Dr. B.J. Fogg on creating good habits and breaking bad habits.


  1. This answers the question: when?
  2. Mastery requires you to be consistent.
  3. You can’t transform your health by working out once or getting one good night’s sleep.
  4. It’s not just about what you do or how you do it – it’s about when you do it.
  5. For more, listen to our episode with Dr. Michael Breus on the power of when.


  1. This answers the question: why?
  2. When you get consistent, you get comfortable.
  3. With challenge comes change, and that’s how you grow.
  4. Most people quit when it gets difficult. So when it gets difficult, you need to connect with your why.
  5. Just like your physical muscles grow via stress, your intellect grows when you put your knowledge to the test
  6. For more on challenge, listen to our episodes on beating procrastination and the 4 keys to genius.


  1. This answers the question: who?
  2. The best of the best have coaches, such as personal trainers.
  3. The fastest path to mastery is to find a mentor – someone who’s achieved what you want and can help you do the same.
  4. Coaches save you time and money because genius leaves clues.
  5. Learning from someone who knows what they’re doing can dramatically accelerate your success.


  1. If content is king, then context is the kingdom.
  2. Your environment is one of the most neglected and understated keys to mastery
  3. The right environment is a place where you can access the other 5 cs.
  4. It sharpens your clarity, it teaches you capabilities, it keeps you consistent, it challenges you to grow up, and it has coaches.

The best context in which to master your mind is to create or join a mastermind

  • A mastermind is a group of peer-to-peer mentoring where members solve problems with input and advice from each other.
  • The concept was coined by author Napoleon Hill.
  • In his book, The Magic Ladder of Success, he says: “The process of mind-blending, here described as a Master Mind, may be likened to the act of one who connects many electric batteries to a single transmission wire, thereby ‘stepping up’ the power…passing over that line by the amount of energy the battery carries. Each mind, through the principle of mind chemistry, stimulates all the other minds in the group.”
  • In his personal development classic, Think and Grow Rich, Hill describes a mastermind group as: “A friendly alliance with one or more persons who will encourage one to follow through with both plan and purpose.”
  • And in The Master-Key to Riches, Hill says: “Every mind needs friendly contact with other minds, for food of expansion and growth.”
  • Mastermind groups are established to help create an environment that nurtures and supports your growth.
  • Joining or creating a mastermind is one of the laws of success Hill learned by studying geniuses such as Henry Ford, Thomas Edison, Alexander Graham Bell, Theodore Roosevelt, John D. Rockefeller, Charles Schwab, and more.
  • In a mastermind, a group of people meet regularly, perhaps weekly or monthly, to tackle the big challenges they have in life and business together. They lean on each other, share connections, do business together, and mentor each other.
  • If you are a part of a mastermind, you will see marked changes in yourself and your business.

Why You Should Join A MASTERmind


  1. A mastermind is full of people who will inspire you and challenge you.
  2. Everyone in a mastermind has unique skills and connections so you can offer solutions to and learn from each other.
  3. Remember TEAM: Together Everyone Achieves More.


  1. When you are going through difficult times, it’s easy to quit.
  2. When a group of people is invested in your success, you’re more likely to follow through.


  1. Some people have goals but are too flippant.
  2. Remember that discipline equals freedom.
  3. Make sure your mastermind is structured.
  4. Ours includes 2 days of personal intensive training with me in Los Angeles, 2 group video calls each month, a private Facebook group, VIP access to our conference, and online programs.


  1. f you are creating a mastermind, ask yourself: what is the curriculum you’re teaching?
  2. This is where you will develop the competency you need.


  1. You can’t help but think bigger and stretch your limitations when you surround yourself with amazing people doing amazing things.
  2. Those without vision perish.


  1. In our mastermind, we provide brain-friendly recipes. We talk about supplements and technology that accelerate learning. We have a book list.
  2. It’s not just about your internal resourcefulness but the external resources you need to master your game.
  3. One of the biggest influences on your personality is your peer group.
  4. Hill says: “Now here are some interesting facts about the mastermind which give you an idea of how important it is and how necessary that you embrace this principle and make use of it in attaining success in your chosen occupation. First of all, it is the principle through which you may borrow and use the education, the experience, the influence, and perhaps the capital of other people in carrying out your own plans in life. It is the principle through which you can accomplish in one year more than you could accomplish without it in a lifetime if you depended entirely on your own efforts for success.”
  5. Start by creating a mastermind. It can start as a study group or a Kwik Brain meet up.
  6. I look for people who are kind, growth-oriented, and willing to invest in their own success.
  7. What kind of mastermind can you join or create?
  8. Our mastermind is a small group of people I coach personally and is the best option for working directly with me.
  9. If you’d like to learn about our mastermind, you can learn here.
  10. In October 1927, several scientists – including Albert Einstein, Niels Bohr, and Marie Curie – attended the fifth Solvay Conference. 17 of the 29 attendees became Nobel Prize winners…and most received the award after the conference.

Make sure the people you spend time with are good for your mind because when you master your mind, you master life.

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