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Work Smart – Not Hard

This week’s podcast is all about working smart!

"The most important thing is to keep the most important thing the most important thing."

Jim Kwik

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  • An expert called in to fix the big-name package distribution center after the conveyor belt stopped and they were losing money by the minute.
  • The expert placed an “x” on the correct electrical box and turned one screw a tiny amount, then charged $10,000—turning screw=$1, knowledge of which screw to turn= $9,999.
  • Knowledge isn’t just power, but profit.
  • Today we live with an expert economy where the mind has become the source of wealth.
  • More you can learn, more you can earn.
  • Formula: Learn, earn, return.


  • Ability to assess and determine where to put the “x” in your life—this is the determinant of the success you achieve in life.
  • In today’s age you’re no longer rewarded for the hours you put in, but what you put into those hours.
  • You probably already work hard—now it’s time to identify the right screws to turn.
  • What are the activities that give you the most impact and return in your life? In the areas of health, relationship, business, joy.


  • Magnifies abilities—similar results with fewer efforts.
  • 80/20 rule: 20% of your efforts yield you 80% of the results.
  • Most people procrastinate on the top 20% of the to-dos—this is working hard, not working smart (focusing on the 80% that give you only 20% of return).


  • The ability to assess and determine where to put the “x” in your life is the determinant of the success you achieve in life (or don’t achieve).
  • The ability to choose the correct time, place and activity has more impact on your life than any other factor.
  • Quote: “The most important thing is to keep the most important thing the most important thing.”


  • If you could accomplish only one of the goals on your to-do list today, which one would have the greatest positive impact on your life?
  • Where’s my focus right now?
  • What needs to happen for today to be a success?
  • What can I do to raise the odds of having a successful day?
  • What’s the one thing I can do today that will lead to meaningful progress towards my goal?
  • What one project, if completed, would likely have the most impact?
  • What is the best use of this moment?
  • What matters the most right now?


  • The things that matter most should never be at the mercy of the things that matter least. Keep calm and think carefully about your answers to these questions.

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