How do we release happy brain chemicals and not feel loneliness?
More studies indicate that loneliness leads to Alzheimers, dementia, and other mental challenges. Even though we’re more connected than ever before via social media, the level of loneliness people feel have been rising.
To dive deeper into this topic, I have my good friend, Radha Agrawal, in the studio today. Radha is a community force, successful entrepreneur (Co-Founder THINX, LiveItUp), author, globe-trotting speaker, DJ, inventor, and investor. Her new book, Belong: Find Your People, Create Community, and Live a More Connected Life, answers the questions, ‘How the heck do I find my people?’ and ‘How do I create large and meaningful communities in the real world?’.
Radha spent 18 months synthesizing her key methods for community building, peeling back the curtain on exactly what she and her team did (and continues to do) at Daybreaker so that anyone interested in creating their community can have a blueprint for how to do it.