The process of thinking is nothing but asking and answering questions. Our thinking changes the shape of our lives, so the questions we ask ourselves matter, whether it’s “how can I learn this?” or “how can I get healthier?” We’re asking ourselves questions all the time, but we’re often not conscious of them and how they impact our behavior. Used properly, questions are a useful tool to take the knowledge and turn it into action.
In this episode, you’ll hear from my friends at the Mindpump Media Podcast and how you can uncover the questions you might not have been aware you were asking yourself, and how to use them to effect change in your life—and.
We also talk about how our brain chooses what subjects to focus on, how our memories work, and quick tips for learning and notetaking. I’ll take you through 3 quick questions to help you turn knowledge into action, then explain how you can work out what the dominant question in your life is.
What is your dominant question? Some examples might be:
Listen. Reflect on your thoughts, listen to your inner talk. Sit in silence. Silence isn’t empty, it will be full of your own questions.
Journal every day. Review and record your day, and you’ll start to notice patterns skewing towards the things you find important in your life.