Dr. Amen is one of America’s leading psychiatrists and brain health experts. He has authored or coauthored 80 professional articles and more than 40 books, including New York Times mega-bestseller Change Your Brain, Change Your Life. He has appeared on numerous television shows including Dr. Phil, Larry King, Dr. Oz, The Doctors, and The View.
Tana Amen, BSN, RN. is Executive Vice President of Amen Clinics, New York Times best-selling author of The Omni Diet, highly respected health and fitness expert, cancer survivor, nationally renowned speaker, and media guest.
Together, Daniel G. Amen, MD, and Tana Amen, BSN, RN host a fun, exciting, and informative podcast all about brain and body health featuring powerful tools and strategies to improve memory, elevate mood, crystallize focus, enhance energy and get better sleep.
How do you end mental illness?
I’m excited to welcome back two dear brain warrior friends, mental superheroes, and best-selling authors, Dr. Daniel and Tana Amen. This conversation is so important as many people are struggling to deal with everything going on in the world today.
In this episode, we discuss Dr. Amen’s new book, The End of Mental Illness, and some simple tips on how to improve your mindset and daily approach to life.
If you have found yourself struggling during these uncertain times, this episode offers an alternative way of thinking as it relates to mental illness and the power you have to improve it.
* The information in this podcast is not intended to be construed as medical advice, nor is the information a substitute for professional medical expertise or treatment. If you or any other person has a medical concern, you should consult with your health care provider or seek other professional medical treatment. *
*** Do you want to stay up to date with every new episode and get my brand new Kwik Brain Accelerator Program? Go to www.KwikBrain.com/podcast to get instant access. ***
Dr. Daniel and Tana Amen
Take small simple steps and create tiny habits.
You have to train and can’t wait until fight day to do so. Tana suggests that it is necessary to train every day so when you are faced with a problem, you are prepared to use the skills that you have already trained yourself to use.
*Please note, this episode is educational only and is not intended to diagnose or treat medical conditions. Please consult your healthcare provider if you have any questions or concerns.*