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Have you ever wondered if there’s a secret to unlocking effortless and effective communication?
At some point, you’ve probably felt tongue-tied, misunderstood, or simply like you can’t get your point across when talking to another person. The ability to connect with others can often look like a superpower. But science tells us anyone can be a supercommunicator—you just have to learn how.
I’m excited to welcome Charles Duhigg to the show today. Charles is a Pulitzer prize-winning author. Through in-depth research, he’s cracked the science and art of communication. His storytelling has landed him on the New York Times bestselling list multiple times, and he’s here to talk about his latest book, Supercommunicators: How to Unlock the Secret Language of Connection.
When you’re in a deep conversation and in a moment of connection, it reflects in your body and brain. Your breathing, heart rate, even your neural activity, all synchronizes with the other person. Listen in as Charles reveals the three habits all supercommunicators have, and how you can practice them to develop deeper, more meaningful connection with others.