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The 4 Ways To Change Your Brain, Body, Business (or Anything Else)

My name is Jim Kwik, the founder of Kwik Brain Universe, author of the best-selling book LIMITLESS and host of the #1 brain performance podcast, Kwik Brain. I am a world leading expert in speed-reading, memory improvement, brain performance, and accelerated learning. After a childhood brain injury left me learning-challenged, I made it my life’s mission to create strategies to dramatically enhance mental performance. Once I was able to turn my own learning challenges around, I dedicated my life to helping people like you unleash your true genius and brainpower to learn anything faster and live a life of greater power, productivity, and purpose.

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What are four choices you can make daily to change your brain, your body, and even your bank account?

My book, Limitless, opens with a quote from a famous French philosopher that says, “Life is the C between B & D”. B is birth, D is death, and C—life—is choice. Every morning you have a chance and a choice to grow, make things better, and move in the direction to achieve everything you desire.

On today’s episode, I’m going to go over four areas that you can focus on every single day to change the things you might not believe you have agency or control over. As I go through these areas, I want you commit to making a real choice by the end.

There are a lot of areas in life that might feel like you don’t have influence over. But you do. You are the sum total of all the choices you’ve made in life—good, bad, or indifferent. If you’re ready to concentrate your efforts in specific, direct ways to unlock your limitless life, this episode is for you.

***If you’re inspired, I want to invite you to join me in my brand NEW 10-day course, specifically designed to boost your productivity. I know it sounds too good to be true, but I give you step-by-step guides using the accelerated learning model to help you get more done and achieve your goals. Visit http://kwikbrain.com/productivity to join me today.***

Jim Kwik

Subscribe To My Podcast:
  • These are the four choices you can make every morning. [2:15]

  • Think about what you’re currently doing and ask yourself this. [3:01]

  • Here’s the next powerful choice to help unlock your Limitless potential. [4:54]

  • This is the third choice to think about. [6:30]

  • Curious what the fourth decision you can make every day is? Listen in. [9:13]

  • Because I want to boost your momentum even more, here’s a bonus fifth choice to consider daily. [12:01]

  • Take a screenshot, tag me (@jimkwik), and answer these four (plus one) questions.

  • I’ll repost some of my favorites and gift copies of my book, Limitless.

  • Be sure to buy your own copy of Limitless, here.
  • Please share this episode, and if you enjoyed it, leave us a review, so we can continue building better, brighter brains.




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