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The Advantages of a Socially Awkward Brain with Ty Tashiro

Can the traits that make you feel socially awkward actually be the key to unlocking extraordinary success?

We’ve all experienced a time when we felt like an outsider looking in. But for some, this isn’t a rare occurrence, but a constant struggle. In fact, research shows 10 – 15% of the population is socially awkward. But there is a strong correlation between social awkwardness and giftedness. You just have to learn how to use it to your advantage.

I’m excited to welcome Ty Tashiro to the show today. Ty is a psychologist and interpersonal relationship expert. He’s spent decades researching human intelligence, neuroscience, personality, and sociology to help us better understand this widely shared trait. He’s also the author of Awkward: The Science of Why We’re Socially Awkward and Why That’s Awesome.
There are few things more psychologically devastating than social exclusion. But being awkward can be like speaking a second language. By taking the same focus and persistence that you naturally give to things you love and applying it to your social life, you can figure out how to fit in without losing yourself. Listen in as Ty shares how you can turn your unique quirks into your greatest superpower and never grapple over an awkward social interaction again.

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