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Create Smart Learning Organizations & Teams

Vishen Lakhiani is one of today’s most influential minds in the fields of education and human consciousness.

He is the founder of Mindvalley University and its 2 million-strong student base – which is now expanding across schools in Finland, Silicon Valley companies, and universities worldwide.

Vishen’s book, The Code of the Extraordinary Mind, made the New York Times Business Best Sellers List, and hit the coveted #1 spot on Amazon five times in 2017. It has since won several awards and been translated into 20+ languages including Russian, Chinese, German and Spanish.

His mobile apps like Omvana have become the bestselling Health & Fitness app in 30+ countries. At Mindvalley, Vishen created the Quests learning platform: a next-generation method of online learning, which attains an unheard-of 60% completion rate on courses, in an industry where 8% is average.

Vishen is also the founder of A-Fest, the transformational festival described as the “TED meets Coachella” of the personal growth industry.

And finally, he is also the founder of Mindvalley University City Campus, where thousands of people move to a new city every year to immerse themselves in a 30-day campus dedicated to human transformation and co-creation.

Vishen’s next goal is to create the #1 education brand in the world, and reach 1 billion students – so humanity can experience the biggest jump in its consciousness since the dawn of the human species.

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In this episode, my good friend Vishen Lakhiani gives us his best strategies to create smart learning organizations & teams.

How do you create a thriving learning organization? In the second half of this two-part episode, Vishen Lakhiani, founder of education company Mindvalley, reveals 5 ways to create a powerful learning organization.

Haven’t listened to Part 1 of our episode with Vishen yet? You can do so, here.

Vishen believes that because Mindvalley is an education company, everybody at the company must be committed to education and practice what they preach. When Mindvalley first started in Kuala Lumpur, the city was going through a brain drain: 1% of the population left every year to work in richer countries. Since he couldn’t get talent in Malaysia, Vishen decided that the way to get people to move to Malaysia to work at Mindvalley was to set a goal: by 2020, Mindvalley would be the #1 place in the world to work. To Vishen, that meant Mindvalley had to be the place where employees learned and grew the most.

Today, people from 46 different countries have moved to Malaysia to work at Mindvalley. When Forbes released last year’s 30 Under 30 list in Malaysia, 10% of those people were ex-Mindvalley employees.

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"Leadership is recognizing that everyone you lead is as powerful as you, as brilliant as you, and has the same capacity for greatness. Your job is simply to remind them of this fact."

Vishen Lakhiani

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  • Dwight Eisenhower once said, “Leadership is the art of getting someone else to do something you want done because he wants to do it.”
  • Vishen was inspired by this quote, but he also realized that this could lead to poor decisions.
  • Mindvalley’s leadership quote says this: Leadership is recognizing that everyone you lead is as powerful as you, as brilliant as you, and has the same capacity for greatness. Your job is simply to remind them of this fact.
  • Google recently released a study that found that their best employees were the best coaches.
  • Mindvalley is dedicated to turning their employees into great teachers by giving workshops on communication and public speaking.
  • At their weekly meeting, each team must have one representative share the team’s accomplishments to 200 people in 2 minutes.
  • Create an organization where students are teachers and teachers are students.


  • Vishen doesn’t believe that you need to work crazy hours to be successful.
  • Mindvalley has a 45-5 workweek, where employees spend 1 hour of each workday learning.
  • Mindvalley also experimented with “Learn Day,” where employees teach each other on any topic of their choosing on the first Friday of every month.
  • Now, Mindvalley flies people to a team retreat where they spend 4 days doing nothing but learning from each other.
  • Learning forces people to innovate.
  • 3 years ago, Mindvalley’s customer support team won an award for being the best customer support team in Asia because they used machine learning to improve their service.


  • Bill Jensen, the author of Future Strong, says that in the future, the company will be engaged in the employee’s vision.
  • Make sure you are supporting your employees’ visions and goals.
  • Mindvalley has the 3 Most Important Questions in their company, which you can learn about here
  • Everybody’s list is on a wall at Mindvalley, which promotes collaboration.
  • One employee wanted to hike the Himalayas. He found 3 people on the wall with similar goals, and they spent 7 days hiking the Himalayas.
  • Experiences like these create incredible friendships within the company.
  • Other employees support each other’s visions, which helps people grow quickly.
  • When Mindvalley had 90 employees, in one month, 80 out of 90 people in the company were in a magazine, on TV, or giving a TEDX talk somewhere in the city.
  • Mindvalley keeps millennial employees for 3 years, which is significantly longer than most companies.


  • Shawn Achor tried an experiment with companies: every morning, a manager would spend 2 minutes sending an email to one employee from the previous day who had impressed them.
  • This person would feel recognized and write back to the manager or be inspired to write an email to someone else.
  • When First National tried this experiment for 18 months, their profits grew $300 million and applications to join the company rose 217%.


  • Vishen bought a travel guide to Italy for an employee who wrote in her 3 Most Important Questions that she wanted to spend a year in Italy.
  • Small things like this transform one’s attachment to work.
  • A Gallup found that employees who can answer yes to “My supervisor or someone at work cares about me as a person” are significantly more engaged with and loyal to the company.


Visit their website and follow their YouTube channel Life at Mindvalley.


Listen to Part 1 of this podcast, download the Mindvalley Quests app and find the free Extraordinary by Design course to go even deeper into these three questions. You can also purchase his book, The Code of the Extraordinary Mind, here.

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