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The Neuroscience of Calm: Harnessing Your Brain’s Optimal State with Jim Poole

Jim is an accomplished business executive with extensive leadership success across numerous industries over the past three decades. Mr. Poole manages the strategic direction of NuCalm, a neuroscience company on a mission to change the world through patented, clinically proven neuroscience. In 2015, NuCalm was granted the world’s first and only patent for lowering stress and improving sleep quality without drugs. In 2021, 32 years of NuCalm neuroscience was successfully transformed from an FDA Class III medical device to a consumer subscription accessed through a mobile app. Consumer adoption of the neuroscience platform that puts the power of your brain into the palm of your hand is exponentially growing around the world.

Jim serves on the board of directors of several companies. He is a recognized business leader, an expert on the human stress response, a public speaker, and an accomplished author. For more than 14 years, Jim has lectured globally on topics including applied neuropsychobiology, neuroscience, evolutionary psychology, stress, recovery, performance, healing, and leadership.

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How do you access the neuroscience of calm?

Stress is one of the biggest obstacles people face today. It can impact your health, your life, your work, your relationships, and your learning. In our modern world, I believe calmness is currency and nothing is more valuable than your peace of mind.

I’m excited to have Jim Poole on our show today. Jim is the CEO of NuCalm, a company dedicated to providing clinically proven neuroscience that puts calm and control in the palm of your hand.

Technology and progress have changed how you eat, sleep, learn, and live. But it hasn’t changed your brain. If you’re looking for the ability to tap into a calm state of mind without medication, expensive devices, or clunky technology, this episode is for you.

***If you’re inspired, I want to invite you to join me in my brand NEW 10-day course, specifically designed to boost your productivity. I know it sounds too good to be true, but I give you step-by-step guides using the accelerated learning model to help you get more done and achieve your goals. Visit http://kwikbrain.com/productivity to join me today.***

"The goal is to help you become the best “you” you can be. "

Jim Poole

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  • If you can’t take care of yourself, you can’t be there for the people you love or the things you love. [16:26]

  • If you want to learn more, visit www.jimkwik.com/nucalm for more information and access to a special deal just for our listeners.

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